Kent Drop 8 | Homeopathic medicine for treatment of Influenza by Kent Pharmacy
Kent Drop 8 | Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of Influenza by Kent Pharma
انفلوئنزا اور انفلوئنزا انفیکشن۔
سردی اور زکام، فلو اور ناک کا نزلہ۔
بخار اور سر درد۔
Aconitum D3,
Bryonia D4,
Eupatorium perf D3,
Eucalyptus D3,
Gelsemium D4,
Kalium carb D3,
Nat sulph D4,
Nat Salicylicum D1,
Pulsatilla D4,
Rhus tox D4,
Sticta D2.
- Influenza & influenzal infection.
- Chills and colds, Flu and nasal catarrh.
- Feverish catarrh and headaches.
Dosage/ Uses
Adults: Always use when prescribed, otherwise, adults should take 10 to 15 drops four times a day at 3 hourly intervals.
Children: Always use when prescribed, otherwise, children should receive no more than 10 drops Three times a day.
Take drops thirty minutes before or after meals. When any improvement is felt then reduce the frequency of use.
Side Effects
No side effects of these Drops are known to date.
Please note: Existing complaints may temporarily get worsen when homeopathic medicines are taken on initial aggravation. In such cases, consult a doctor immediately and discontinue the medication if necessary.
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